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Kasif Enterprise,
Big Data & Database Consolidation
distributed metadata repository enables enterprise search & discovery, provides
integration for big data analytics tools & improves business insights
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Scale Out Storage

GridBank Enterprise optimizes data volumes and eliminates data silos by consolidating volumes into a data centric architecture while applying storage reduction technologies.

Kasif Enterprise optimizes data volumes and eliminates data silos by consolidating volumes into a data centric architecture while applying storage reduction technologies.

Scalable grid-based architecture to store & manage data at multi-petabyte levels
Optimize data volumes, remove data silos & consolidate information into a single unified view
High performance random access referential metadata in-cache lookups


Search & Discovery

GridBank Enterprise natively provides enterprise information archiving and full text content indexing, enabling enterprise search and e-discovery for on-demand data access.

  •  Index property, full text content & arbitrary key:value pair metadata for comprehensive enterprise searc
  • Consolidate disparate datasets for e-Discovery, data classification & on demand access to information 
  • Map Reduce search enables on-demand access to information for improved operational efficiencies presentations, and profitable online shops. And best of all, they’re all customizable, easy-to-use, and can be quickly modified to perfectly fit your business’s specific needs.


GridBank Enterprise enables organizations to leverage analytics through integration with big data analytics tools, to tap into the full value from their vast data repositories.

  • Hadoop & other big data analytics tools drive insights for business agility & competitive advantage
  • Full content metadata to embed intelligence into storage infrastructure for data-in-place analytics
  • Analyze data in real time, without migration between online & analytics pools for faster time to insight

Cloud Integration

Kasif provides you to able to integrate your data to cloud.

Kasif provides a transparent, non-disruptive application aware solution to transition traditional storage environments to the cloud, through Sync & Share and Storage-as-a-Service capabilities TCO is reduced

Reduce Storage Costs
Kasif Enterprise delivers data optimization, allowing organizations to reduce storage CAPEX and administrative costs, as well as, lower data management OPEX.

Sync & Share
GridBank Enterprise provides Sync & Share capabilities through mobile and desktop applications providing data mobility for the distributed workforce.

GridBank Enterprise enables delivery of storage-as-a-service within the control of the corporate IT, ensuring self-service storage provisioning with departmental chargebacks, accelerating time-to-value.

Compliance & Governance

By deploying a complete identity focused information governance framework, GridBank is designed to meet compliance regulations and mitigate business related risk across unstructured and structured data repositories

  • Information Governance Framework
    • Kasif Enterprise minimizes data risk through a comprehensive information governance framework for meeting data management regulatory compliance mandates.
  • Policy-Driven Compliance
    • Kasif Enterprise allows organizations to meet internal policies and external regulatory mandates for the retention, protection and disposal of data.
  • Integrated Data Security
    • Protect data from unauthorized or unintentional access or modification to reduce commercial and reputational risk through integrated data security and identity management.


Some other features

Features Kasif
Storage Management
Powerful Object Storage
Email, File,Database Archiving
Policy Management
Security & Audit
Search & E-Discovery
Big Data Analytics
Compression, Encryption, DeDuplication and Tiering policies

Kasif Data Integration

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