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Kasif Archive
Comprehensive Archiving Solution
Massively scalable, high performance, high availability, globally distributed platform
for enterprise information archiving data.
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Scale Out Archive

Kasif Archive delivers a comprehensive scale out solution to address the challenges associated with archiving massive amounts of unstructured data for the long term.

Scale out building block approach enables linear growth by simply adding resources, eliminating forklift upgrades

Information governance framework for meeting internal policies & regulatory compliance mandates

Search & discovery for accelerated retrieval of data & enhanced big data analytics toolkit integrations


Data Protection & Security

Backup Appliance provides end-to-end data protection and security for efficient and reliable recovery. It protects data from loss, corruption or system failure,both with hardware and software approaches, including RAID6 and checksum integrity verification. For security, it offers 7 different industry proven encryption policies and is integrated with enterprise identity management infrastructure, such as Active Directory and LDAP.

  • Dual Parity RAID6
  • Integrity Checksums
  • Periodic Scrubbing
  • Lifecycle Restore
  • AD Auth & RBAC
  • Secure
  • Encryption

Storage Optimization & Reduced Total Cost of Ownership

Kasif Archiving Appliance is one of the most complete and robust Enterprise Information Archiving appliances available today. Through a revolutionary data centric approach, Data Defined Storage, the Kasif Archiving Appliance is designed to scale with customer needs, addressing all of the pain points associated with the storage,management and protection of massive amounts of enterprise data, including:

  • Reduce CAPEX & OPEX of managing accelerating data growth
  • Reduce risk associated with regulatory compliance & data sprawl
  • Search & access information efficiently with unified data access
  • Reduce backup volumes, time & resource costs

Cloud Integration

Kasif provides you to able to integrate your data to cloud.

Kasif Backup Appliance enables cloud storage pools with leading third party providers with an integrated cloud gateway to benefit from economies of scale.Additionally, it allows companies to form their own private clouds
to operate theirbackup storage-as-a-service, or clients can use hybrid combinations of public and private clouds to gain the greatest benefits from the cloud.

  • Expandable Pools
  • Cloud Archive Targets
  • Multi-Tenancy
  • Flexible Hybrid Cloud
  • Deployment Models

Archive Storage

The Kasif archiving solution aggregates and consolidates existing storage investments through intelligent tiering, deduplication and compression policies, eliminating silos while delivering high performance, and optimized data volumes, resulting in a smaller storage footprint

  • Storage Optimization
    GridBank Archive optimizes data volumes by up to 80%, eliminating silos by consolidating volumes into a data centric architecture and applying storage reduction technologies.
  • Archiving & Tiering
    GridBank Archive provides policy-driven information governance of enterprise data to meet regulatory mandates for retention and disposal of data.
  • Improve Backup Windows
    GridBank Archive reduces backup volumes through archive offloading, while dynamically adding backup resources to meet the backup window.


Some other features

Features Kasif
Storage Management
Powerful Object Storage
Email, File,Database Archiving
Policy Management
Security & Audit
Search & E-Discovery
Big Data Analytics
Compression, Encryption, DeDuplication and Tiering policies

Please reach us for further features

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